St. Padre Pio


We encourage you to get to know St. Padre Pio and add him to your list of intercessors. If God worked so many miracles through his intercession while he was on earth, just imagine how powerful his intercession has become now that he is in heaven! Our St. Padre Pio Medal is a great way to connect with this holy saint.

St. Padre Pio felt the call to holiness from a young age. This call was nurtured in his heart by his devout Catholic parents, and he joined the Capuchin order at only 15 years old. In 1910 he was ordained to the priesthood.

Padre Pio was a humble man, yet amazing miracles followed him everywhere! Not only could he read souls in the confessional, but he is also reported to have the gift of bilocation, was seen levitating during Mass, and is confirmed by the Vatican to have borne the wounds of the stigmata.

Pilgrims flocked to the friary at San Giovanni Rotundo, clamoring to meet the holy priest. Many people were healed and converted during encounters with the saint—but Padre Pio knew that the miracles were never by his own power. He would tell them, “Don’t thank me. Thank God.”

The holy friar died in 1968, recently enough that there are photos and videos of his life and ministry! We drew the design for our St. Padre Pio medal directly from a photo taken while the holy saint was alive. 

Product Details

  • 0.87" (standard size)
  • Nickel
  • Custom crafted in Italy (Padre Pio’s home country!)
  • Fits in your scapular pocket