"The Redeemer of the world chose the family as the place for his birth and growth, thereby sanctifying this fundamental institution of every society."  — Pope St. John Paul II

The entire month of February is dedicated to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. For centuries, the Church has recommended the Holy Family as a model for Catholic families in all times and places.

But do the lifestyle and values of a family who lived two millennia ago still apply to us today?

Absolutely and here’s why.

1. The Holy Family highlights the importance of marriage and family in the modern age.

Our culture often undervalues marriage and family life, as seen in the prevalence of divorce, contraception and abortion. Many young adults choose not to marry or have children at all.

Yet God continues to call many people to marriage and family life. A Catholic marriage serves as a powerful witness to God’s abiding, fruitful love — a love desperately needed in an age marked by isolation, depression and despair.

The Holy Family reminds us that marriage and family are not outdated institutions. They’re essential to God’s plan for humanity.

2. The Holy Family perfectly modeled the virtues necessary for family life.

The success of family life depends on cultivating virtues such as patience, forgiveness and charity. Children often learn their first lessons in virtue through their parents’ guidance and daily interactions with siblings. For example, how many of us first learned to share when a parent told us to let a sibling play with our favorite toy?

The Holy Family exemplified these virtues in their everyday lives. In Luke 2, we read that after Mary and Joseph found the 12-year-old Jesus in the Temple, Jesus “went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them.”

Their life was not free from challenges. Though Jesus and Mary were sinless, they still faced difficulties, like when Joseph struggled to find a proper inn for the expectant Mary. Despite this, he humbly accepted the stable cave with gratitude.

Through their example, the Holy Family teaches us how to live virtue in ordinary and difficult moments.

3. The Holy Family intercedes for your family’s well-being.

Jesus is God. Mary is the greatest saint and intercessor. St. Joseph is the patron of the universal Church. Together, the Holy Family wants to help your family become a communion of saints.

Turn to them in prayer! Ask for their guidance and protection as a family. They are always there to support you.

The Holy Family reminds us that marriage and family are sacred, that virtue is the key to family life and that we are never alone in our journey. 

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth, pray for us!
Gabor Kerekes