Before Lent arrives, take a moment to reflect on last year’s holy season.
What went well? What would you have changed?
Instead of rushing into this Lent without a plan, consider the following ways you can make it even more meaningful.
1. Make realistic sacrifices.
Socrates said, “Know thyself.” This is especially relevant when it comes to your Lenten sacrifices. Don’t feel pressured to make grand gestures. Instead, think about what you can actually do. It’s better to give up that afternoon snack than to take on something too big — like eating one meal a day — which will leave you overwhelmed before the end of the season. Choose something you know you can maintain with commitment.
2. Consider beginning a new devotion.
If you haven’t already adopted a devotion like the Brown Scapular, Rosary or Miraculous Medal, Lent is a great time to start. These devotions were given to us by Our Lady, so you can be sure of their power.
To decide which devotion is right for you, talk to a priest, religious or wise layperson.
3. Practice charity to your neighbor.
In addition to self-improvement, Lent is about service to others. You can donate to a mission, volunteer at a food bank or check in on a friend or neighbor who may be lonely or in need of support. Remember that the gift of your time is just as powerful as money.
4. Attend Mass more often.
You’re required to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. To advance in your spiritual life more rapidly, go to Mass daily. Or at least try to go more than once a week. The liturgies on Holy Thursday and Good Friday are rich in grace, so don’t miss them.
5. Keep Easter in sight.
We enter the spiritual desert during Lent, but we won’t stay there forever. We’re an Easter people en route to the resurrection. If you ever feel discouraged or burdened by your suffering, remind yourself of this glorious truth.
May Christ give you the grace to grow closer to Him during this holy season!