Yes, You Should Carry Your Rosary Beads with You
More than a token or symbol, the rosary is a powerful sacramental! This prayer has been shown throughout history to be particularly effective in obtaining favors and sanctifying the one who prays it. St. Pope John Paul II devoted an entire apostolic letter—Rosarium Virginis Mariae—to the merits of the holy rosary, and he even announced that October 2002 - October 2003 would be celebrated as the Year of the Rosary.

Praying the Rosary Daily Honors Mother Mary
After her initial visit to St. Dominic, the Blessed Virgin Mary emphasized this special prayer during at least six of her subsequent apparitions! All of the following have been evaluated and approved by the Church:
- Our Lady of Lourdes prayed the rosary alongside St. Bernadette Soubirous during each of her 18 visions in nineteenth-century France.
- In 1917 Portugal, Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three shepherd children: Blessed Jacinta, Blessed Francisco, and Servant of God Sister Lucia de los Santos. The importance of this prayer was one of her key messages.
- Our Lady of Akita appeared to Sister Agnes Sasagawa in 1973 Akita, Japan. She warned that the world was turning away from God and urged all Catholics to pray a daily rosary for peace on earth.
- Our Lady of Kibeho appeared to a teenager named Alphonsine Mumureke in a small Rwandan village in the 1980s. She stressed the importance of fervent meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary and her Seven Sorrows to obtain the grace of repentance.
- Our Lady’s apparition in San Nicolas Argentina was marked with a glowing rosary in the hands of the humble Gladys Herminia Quiroga de Motta. Here, Mary emphasized the rosary as a formidable spiritual weapon against darkness.
- Our Lady of Cuapa gave very clear instructions to sacristan Bernardo Martinez in Nicaragua. She asked that the Rosary be prayed “every day,” and in particular, she asked that families say the prayer together in the home.
Given the urgency with which the Blessed Mother requested we say this prayer, it is natural for Catholics to carry rosaries on our person as a reminder to pray when we have the opportunity.

Catholic Rosary Beads Are Not Jewelry
Most Catholics carry their rosary in their pocket or purse, especially those with a fervent devotion to Mary. Sometimes wearing rosary beads around your neck can be a convenient reminder to pray! However, it is important to remember that while the beads may be pretty, intentionally using them as jewelry is disrespectful to the higher purpose of the sacramental.
“Sacred objects, which are designated for divine worship by dedication or blessing, are to be treated reverently and are not to be employed for profane or inappropriate use even if they are owned by private persons” (Code of Canon Law 1117).

Also keep in mind that when you display your rosary or other sacramentals in public, you represent the Catholic Church to those around you. Any virtues or failures are amplified and become publicly associated with Catholics in ways you may not realize.
So next time you hang a rosary from your rearview mirror, take prayer beads out of your pocket to use them on the subway, or wear a miraculous medal around your neck at work, remember you have the opportunity to influence public perception of Catholicism—for better or for worse.
Designed to Be Portable
Lifetime Rosaries are intentionally designed to be compact, making them more convenient to carry with you. Our rosaries are also made with weighted beads, meant to help you center yourself and focus your mind on the beautiful prayers. Shop our full collection of handmade rosaries, and pick out a sacramental so stunning and meaningful that you’ll want to use it every day!
Other Sacramentals to Keep with You
The Church has approved many other ways to show your devotion to the Mother of God. In addition to the Holy Rosary, here are some other sacramentals that Catholics are encouraged to keep on their person:
- The brown scapular is a Marian devotion we received straight from the Blessed Virgin Mary, herself! Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared to St. Simon Stock in England in 1251, promising her complete protection in exchange for complete loyalty from those who wear the scapular.
- Sacred medals are popular expressions of the Catholic faith. These medals depict various saints and angels. Check out our collection of detailed sacred medals to find your favorite saints!
- The Miraculous Medal is the only sacred medal that was designed by Mary herself! Originally known as the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, people began to call it the Miraculous Medal after numerous miracles were confirmed to have come from Our Lady’s intercession through this precious sacramental.
We believe that sacramentals should be as strong as your devotion and as comforting as the assurance they represent. That’s why all of our handmade and custom-cast sacramentals are designed with only the highest quality materials available. Not only that, each purchase from our wide selection enables us to give back to those in need! Thank you for your support, and may God bless you through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Steve Kerekes
Founder of
Read More: History of the brown scapular, St. Pope John Paul II's Devotion to Mary –®, A Closer Look at the Deliverance Cross and Miraculous Medal –®
Sources: Vatican, “Rosarium Virginis Mariae on the Most Holy Rosary”, Vatican, “Code of Canon Law - Book IV - Function of the Church (Cann. 1166-1190)”